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Primary Education: Books

New Books

Finding Books & eBooks

It is impossible for a library to own every book, journal, video, article, etc. that a campus community would want to read or watch, but interlibrary loan fills that void. We participate with OhioLINK for a lot of our interlibrary loan items which provides us with intrastate borrowing and lending.

Finding Books

How do you find primary education books in the library? Start with the item's location and call number.

The location tells you where the item is located in the library. Our most common locations are:

  • Main Books: New 3rd Floor, Old 3rd Floor, Old 2nd Floor, and Ground Floor (depends on the call number)
  • Curriculum Resource Center: Old 3rd Floor
  • Oversize: Ground Floor
  • Reference: Old 2nd Floor
  • Reference Oversize: Ground Floor

Call numbers tell you where the item is located as well as its subject. The University Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System to arrange all library items.

  • L: Education
  • LB: Theory and practice of education
  • LB1139.2-1139.5: Early childhood education
  • LB1140-1140.5: Preschool education.  Nursery schools
  • LB1141-1489: Kindergarten
  • LB1501-1547: Primary education
  • LB1555-1602: Elementary or public school education
  • LC1099-1099.5: Multicultural education (General)
  • LD7501: Secondary and elementary schools

When you are in the shelves, look at the neighboring items because you might find other books that fit your needs as well.