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CAP 400 "Sex, Drugs, & Lyrics": Databases

A collection of resources for CAP 400



Search Tips

Sometimes you might have difficulty finding articles about a particular song or artist in a database, especially if it is a large database like EasySearch.  Here are some tips to narrow things down more effectively.

  • Use quotation marks to search for the title as a phrase.  Searching for "Better Man" instead of Better Man will cut through a lot of the noise and help you find relevant articles.
  • Add a few more details.  If you are looking at a song or artist with a generic name, add additional details such as particular albums, the name of band members, or simply words like 'musician.'  If the band name is more unique, like Toad the Wet Sprocket, it is probably fine on its own.

The ability to identify and break down the main concepts of your topic into a search strategy a fundamental skill of the research process.  The following tutorial is an example of breaking down a topic in Academic Search Complete.


Examples of Field Searching

Field searching allows you greater control over your search by choosing where in the record you want to search for those keywords.  This can give you greater precision when searching and allow you to apply some context to the search.  For example, if the keywords appear in the abstract of the article, it might be more relevant for your needs.  Use the drop-down menu to the right of each search box to select a field.  See the above image for some examples of the most commonly-used fields.

Limit yourself to changing the field for one or two concepts at the start, as you might otherwise reduce the pool of results too much.  If the search does not turn out the way you wish, experiment and try field searching with other keywords.

Databases often have a variety of filters that you can use to narrow down the results.  You can apply these filters before the search or at any point afterwards.

Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals: Ensures that you are only seeing peer reviewed journal articles.  You likely want this on in most cases.

Full Text: Only display articles that have full text available.  While convenient, you may miss great articles that you can still order through Interlibrary Loan.

Year Range: Only show articles that were published in this date range.

Subject: Filter the results by the most common subject headings

Research Tutorials

No Full Text?

Only have the citation?  You can use EasySearch or the Journal Finder to see if we have the article in a different database.  If we do not, we can still order it for you through Interlibrary Loan.

UMU Interlibrary Loan Form