Film & Copyright Use In the Classroom
You can avoid copyright complications by using a permalink directly from Mount Union Resources and copying it directly into your D2L course. This limits the access to only your students.
If a video presentation is freely available on the open Internet (e.g., YouTube), then displaying such a video in an educational workshop or presentation is acceptable, provided that it is played live from the Internet rather than copied or downloaded. Similarly, displaying a live website from the open World Wide Web is permissible. Distributing links (even deep links) or URLs to online resources is appropriate, as long as security is not being circumvented and the material has been posted legally.
You can provide students with a link to the video, or embed the link into D2L, so that students can view the video themselves.
When linking to or embedding YouTube videos, make sure the video has been uploaded to YouTube by the copyright holder and does not contain copyright infringing material. Linking to infringing material is also a copyright infringement as you are authorizing or facilitating an infringement.
Any material obtained from YouTube should also be properly acknowledged.
Images & Copyright Use In the Classroom
You can avoid copyright complications by using a permalink directly from Mount Union Resources and copying it directly into your D2L course. Only members of the the University of Mount Union and specifically your students can then click a link to access the resource.